snow plowing and snow removal servicesWe offer a professional service with salaried employees on call for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Our unlimited snow service is offered at a flat monthly rate plan for a five month period (November 15th – April 15th). This worry free service allows you to budget your season with us.

All driveways will be cleared with plows or snowblowers, depending on snowfall depths and layout of your driveway.  Walkways leading to your front door will be cleared as well.  PLEASE NOTE:  Homeowner is responsible for applying ice control products on walks and drives.  KENLAWN is not responsible for ice buildup. Snow accumulated at the end of your driveway from city plows will be cleared by KENLAWN. Homeowner accepts the fact that plows dragging across asphalt or concrete may cause marring of surfaces. Built up snow on sidewalks/driveway from rooftop shoveling will be billed an additional charge.

Our snow removal operations begin just prior to the ending of the current snowfall with snow routes being completed within 8-15 hours. If, however, there is a time constraint and it is a lengthy storm, it may result in us making a quick pass on your driveway, which will allow you to drive out. We will then return later to shovel your sidewalk and complete your driveway thoroughly. It is always our best intentions to clear out your drive as soon as possible. Your patience is appreciated during lengthy and/or heavy snowfalls. Safety of our crew is always taken into consideration during heavy/lengthy snowfalls.


LEVEL 1: Your snow will be removed when there is an accumulation of 1″ or more on your driveway at the completion of a snowstorm. This is a five month contract starting November 15th through April 15th. Any snow removal done before November 15th and after April 15th will be billed on a per time rate.

LEVEL 2: Your snow will be removed when there is an accumulation of 2″ or more on your driveway at the completion of a snowstorm. This is a four month contract starting November 15th through April 15th. Any snow removal done before November 15th and after April 15th will be billed on a per time rate.

PER TIME RATES: Due to some snow accumulation possible outside of the contract period, which is snow removal performed prior to November 15th and after the minimum snowfall amount for removal is 2″ and over. These snowfalls will be charged on a per-time rate and applies to anyone who signs up for a five month contract listed above.