Lawn Care Service Programs
PREMIER PLUS LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM: This progam is in addition to our regular mowing service. Whether you are planning a party or you want to keep your landscaping looking it’s best all season, try out this complete maintenance program. This service is done twice throughout the growing season (June/Sept) unless you notify us otherwise. Price listed is per time charge.
Download Our Premier Plus Brochure
COMPOST TOP DRESSING: Simply put, healthy soil produces healthy grass, and to accomplish this naturally without synthetic fertilizers, compost top dressing is the environmentally friendly approach! One application fulfills between 50-100 percent of your annual fertilizing needs. Helps significantly in water retention, stimulates microbial activity, breaks down thatch, neutralizes PH, and balances the soil structure. $75 per cu. yard, delivered and installed. Most lawns would require between 2-6 cu. yards. (1/8″ – 1/4″ thickness). Best done in the spring or fall.
Download Our Compost Top Dressing Brochure
LAWN RENOVATION: All lawns can benefit from this process to help thicken turf and to eliminate thin and/or bare spots. It consists of grass cutting, double pass aeration, compost topdressing, an application of blended sun/shade Kentucky Bluegrass seed with a starter fertilizer application. Pricing is based on a per 1,000 sq. ft area treated. See enclosed brochure for price structure. Estimate will be provided prior to any work being performed.